The Copa Sky Implant System

Proserva is the representative of Copa-Sky Implant System in Canada.
The Copa-Sky Implant System (Manufactured By Bredent Medical -Germany), a well-known German dental implant Sytstem With a strong reputation in immediate restoration. It is a key player internationally due to its premium high-quality solutions. Their Design is unique in its high success rate in immediate restoration as well as its reliability as a solution for tooth replacement. Catering to the needs of both patients and dental professionals, The company has been advancing in dental implant innovation and has a prestigious global presence in implant technology.
Incredible Stability
The new copaSKY implants stand out thanks to the many years of experience with SKY implant systems and local production in southern Germany. Specifically designed for any bone height. Our highlight is the copaSKY ultra short. With a length of just 5.2 mm, it is ideal for use in patients with low bone supply. In a lot of cases, this length will make it possible to avoid bone reconstruction surgery in the future. The existing bone is complemented by the implant design and the bone-oriented surgical protocol. As a result, you can take advantage of the high primary stability and the best possible osseointegration.